Veraqor's Brand Assets

Embodying the True Spirit of Our Brand

Our approach has to be anything but ordinary to convey a message with impact. We’ve craftily brought together every facet of the Veraqor brand, creating a symphony of clarity and elegance. Each element is seamlessly interwoven, making it effortlessly comprehensible and harmonious, enhancing the brand’s essence.

Veraqor’s Logos

Veraqor’s logo serves as the linchpin of our brand identity. Its consistent and appropriate application is crucial in crafting a unified brand narrative. The design is uncomplicated, direct, imbued with vitality, and effortless to use.

Employ Veraqor's Logo As Necessary

Our Preferred Brand Colors

79cccb Copied!

CMYK 50, 1, 23, 0
RGB 121, 204, 203
HEX #79cccb

#1d6b96 Copied!

CMYK 89, 54, 23, 3
RGB 29, 107, 150
HEX #1d6b96

#5d378f Copied!

CMYK 78, 94, 5, 0
RGB 93, 55, 143
HEX #5d378f

#585858 Copied!

CMYK 63, 56, 55, 29
RGB 88, 88, 88
HEX #585858



The Poppins typeface we employ is practical, adaptable, and vibrant. It’s designed to fit seamlessly into various formats and surroundings. Whether it’s nestled in a pop-up alert for our users, embedded within our solution offerings, used in professional presentations, or magnified on a skyscraper-sized billboard, it’s built to stand out in each setting. Each pixel of this font has been meticulously crafted, all with the aim of enhancing your reading experience, ensuring a clean and attractive outlook.


Aa Light
Aa Regular
Aa Medium
Aa Semi Bold
Aa Bold
Aa Extra Bold